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A Ad <br />Mr�,, S,telv,e Gatlin <br />Di'rec,toir o�f Publil c Wo r ks, <br />Ciity of Rosevi"Ile, <br />2•1►0 Civici Center Dri'Ve <br />Rosevil 1 e,,, MN 5511,13 <br />CUONSULTING ENGINEERS <br />0 O.L <br />Ma,ler otew,art, & Associates, Inc. <br />R E, PATP;'RAY CONSTRUCTION O�PTIONS, - <br />HAML,INE AV'ENUiE IMPROVEMENTS FROM L,AR,PIENTEUR TO C"OUNTY ROAD B <br />I I <br />M.S.A.S. 4 <br />Dear Mr.i Gatlin: <br />As a resu,lt of t,h�e Roseville Cilty, C,ounc�il"s request at th�e public <br />1 1 m�provemeint hearilng heild on this, Project on J�ul�y 10�, 1989, and con�tinue�d to <br />0 <br />July 214., 19819, well have rev,iel,wed, the various, Options possible to allow <br />-,notoirized Pathway on the east, slade, of this, road from Rosel�awn tol <br />County Road <br />I A mi 0 <br />Ale, see fou,r possible, a,lterina,t,ives tol consilider in oriderl to m,i�nim�ize the <br />4- <br />irrspacts of th,e p�lacement olf this pathway as 't affects propeirtiies on 4,hl, <br />ZdSt and west sides of the proposed road improvenjents', <br />OPTION I - HIFT THE ROAD, CENTERLINE 51 FEET' WEST OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />rFKIT17P1 TNF <br />I <br />Th�is allows for the Placement of a pathway on the el,asit s.ide wi'th a, 61 foot <br />boulev�arld from face olf curbi without the acquisiA-ion, olf additional right-of- <br />a <br />way bely,oind, the 33 feet that ex�ists todayo <br />The 5 folo�t shift, w,o�u�ld mo�ve the we,st pa,thway, 2 fel,et farther to the west, and <br />closer, to the property line, The width olf the wiesit Pathway w,ouil�d alsiol bel, <br />riedu,celd from 8 feet to 5 feet since It would now, only carry traffic in one <br />d 10 r�ect <br />Th�i's al�tern�a,tive, wiei believe,, will cause additional disruption to properties, <br />tin tihe west side asi the path i'mves 2 feet cl�oser to the property I ine <br />�eelplin�g in mi'ndi the concerns raised at the plubil i1c helari"ng by the relisident of <br />1347 Burke, about h�is driveway 'length for parkingi <br />1959 S,LOAN PLACE,, ST. PAUL,, MINNESOTA 5151117 612-774�- Oi21 <br />