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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />jULY 179 1,989 <br />PAGE THIREE <br />M <br />The east pathway would, require only 2 feet of ad,d�it,ioln�a,l right-of-way at <br />cost, of $X.,000, Since it would not exten�d as far eas,t as Option 1., th�e <br />im�pact on existing vegetation and other facilities such as driveways wou1741, <br />also be less, I <br />nPTTnN 4 - mnvF N0N-mnTnQT7Fn PATHWAY Fpnm 14AMITNF AVrN11F Tn nFiiwnnT1 AV17N11F <br />V S. sw N PV a -.0 A.V 16— 0— 16— N P .ff %.# 910 a • a 0— X 'a %.ff I— <br />In order to provide any pathway anywh�erie, and thi's i's trlu,e the entire length <br />.#f Hamline Aivenu,e as proposed for reconstruction,, tihere will be disruption <br />M <br />#f adjacent property in some locations in order to provide proper yard and <br />drivelway slopes to the n�ew road, grade, We full�y anticiplate a, need for <br />temporary, construction easement,s in order to accomplish thisiq <br />M - <br />Th,e above options were reviewed in detail with Plaul Ki'rkwlold, Assistant <br />County Engineer, and Wayne Leonard, Coordinating Engineer of' Ramsey County,#1 <br />A,s a result of that discussion,i Option 3 is being recommended if the <br />Roseville City Council desires a pathway on the east side of Hamline fron� <br />Roselawn to County Road B,, We,, believe thi's option, sih�own, i'n, Exhibit B <br />4. 0 <br />attached, provides the l�east disruptive, safest and most c,loist effec . ve <br />des <br />a <br />Costs for the Option 3 improvem�e ak'down as follow�s- <br />Sum of added 5' pathway on east side minus <br />311 reduction of pathway width on west side $25pO�01 <br />0 <br />2 foot R,/W acquisition east side 210 1, 000 <br />i mramensm <br />in conjunction with this. recommendation, Ramsey County has expressed a <br />Willingness to consider redu,cin�g the boul�e�vard wi'dth to 4 feet at isolated <br />l�ocatio p save major existing viegetation, Thi's of cours <br />can only be accomplished w,hiere th�ere are no conflicts with signs oir other <br />bou�levard obstacle,s. <br />