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Rosev i'lle Cli ity counc il minute,,-=- <br />July 24, 1989i <br />UUME <br />F I <br />6, Kehr inolvied,, Cushman slec�oinded, that authorization to WASHINGTON <br />,enter into an, administrative contract with Washington COUNTY HOUSIN <br />County Housing and Redevelopment, Authority be ap- AND REDEVELOP <br />proved,.1 R,oll Call,, Ayes* Kehr', Clushma,n, Johnson, KENT AUTHORIT <br />Matsoin,i and Rog,, Nays: None,, I <br />F- 8, Ke1hr moved, Johnson se,condedj, that Resolution 8485, RESOLUTION <br />approving the six n,e,"ig,hborhoods for 191910 Street recon- 8485 <br />I a qP <br />struction and, authorizing the preparat ion of feas 10- <br />0 <br />bilmlinty studimies for City Prolects P-910-02, P-90-03, and <br />P-i90-O4,,, be adopted. R,oll Call, Ayes.* Kehrl Cushman, <br />Johnson,, Matson, and R,og'. Nays: None. <br />