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)%Is�hcomp a I <br />anie i <br />14 <br />301mag <br />Mr. Craig Waldron, <br />City, of Roseville <br />21660 Civic Center Dir give, <br />RosevilIlle , 'MN 5.5113, <br />0 <br />Dear Graigil . <br />The puripose of this letter, "is to update you, w ith regard to the progress on <br />the Pavillion, Pil,ace expainsion,i First, all, of' the homes are under contract <br />and are scheduled to close, on, or about October 2, 1989. Second, we are <br />well along with, negotatilions on two of the three anchor tenants and expect <br />to have announcements regarding the slaigned leases wi*th:* the next 30-60 <br />1 Ln <br />days. I can give you specific details "if you wish to call me. <br />I met, wi'th Rick J'obike, and Howard, Dahlgrein on August 30, 1989, and reviewed <br />many of the other issues that need to be resolved 'Includin the deeding <br />g of <br />I <br />the, west friontiage road to the city by the state, the curb cut access, etc. <br />I am also, working with Carl regarding the allocation of the assessments for <br />the newdrainage pond and, associated improviements. <br />Barring any unforeseen olbsita,cles, we expect to begin construction in <br />February or March of 19910 with completi,on proposed f or September or October <br />of 1990. <br />S, ■ erely, <br />Pau 1 Dunn <br />Vice President <br />(6112) 829-3434 <br />Real Esta,te Dievelor)rnent Prockera0a ,- ProinF!ri, d",41rialierneint * Invel-,tvient 15aooc--�s <br />P! <br />