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0 17; ZO� M <br />A. For a project wih,olse completion date is more, than six (6) months beyond the projec <br />starting date as splecif ied in Appendiix A,, the Grantee shall submit to the Council a <br />the f project surnmary of progress i project <br />date and a fiinianciail report indicating proij ect expenditures to date, the match raise <br />to date, - information <br />1 - The Grantee I s share of the f inancial support of the pro,j ect was at least 50 <br />i <br />2. The major, tasks to bile funded by the grant proceeds were completed a and <br />3. The Grantee colmplied, with the terms of th Nis agreementill, <br />C , For puriposeis of admaonistriatJon of the reporting requirements contained ion thi v,) <br />i s i authorized _ <br />A. Duration. The, grant perIold shall commence on the ef e _ date of this agreement <br />the expiriatiion of the, grant perlod, all allocated grant funds which have not been <br />expendied or for which explenditures have not been co=itted by executed contract or <br />Purchase order shall revert to = i <br />Termination.- This, grant agreement ma7 be terminated b7 ` Council time upon <br />mutual 30 days written notice to the Grantee if the Grantee f ails to cOMP17 with one or more <br />C-s Agreements,, The terms of this agreement may be changed or modified by <br />agreement of the parties, hereto. Such amendments, changes or modiflcationsshall <br />be f f _ t e only, on, e execution of I I = I <br />amendment # by s Council <br />the Grantee 4 <br />Unauthorized Usie of Grant Proceeds. Upon a find ing by the Council that the Grantee <br />has made, an, unauthor lizeld use of grant proceeds and upon a demand b7 the Counci I f or <br />repayment , the Grantee agrees to promptly repay such amounts to the CoU'TIC 3L 1 & <br />