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1 4, <br />CASE, NUMBER- 1148-t8 <br />6 SEPTEMBER 1978 <br />You will note from the skeitc,h a,t,ta,ched and th,e coDy of th�e site plan <br />included 1*n this rieporit, tihat the distance from the prioposed, parking ariea, <br />on the southi side of the buildingi is 931 feeit. The Ordin•n�ce requires that <br />A <br />this distance be a,t least 40 feelt.1 The same parking area is liocat,ed 80 <br />feet from the, sou�t,h propertiy, lin�e (Colunty Road <br />-1 to 1,-2 so as <br />10 The applicants have, inqui'red aibiolu t reizoining the l,a,n,d f'riom, I <br />to bel, wlithin, the 0.4 site coverage requirement. We su�olo�eisted that it wou�ld <br />be more a,piproprilate to l�ea,ve thile zoning a,s, is and request, a via,riance from <br />the,, 0. 3, to the, .395 percentage requested. <br />