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Page three <br />November 17 1981 <br />I'lawful. non-conforming use", however, 'it must have been lawful <br />Ii <br />when first clonstructed. A building unlawfully erected does not <br />s,ubsequen,tl,y become lawful by thepassiage of time. <br />There are other restrictions on "lawful non-conforming uses.11 <br />They may 'be maintained, but not expanded. What 'is maintenance <br />and what "is, expansion have been the slubliect of many lawsuits. <br />The decisions have not, always been consistent with each other. <br />Conclusiloons., <br />it is our opinion that all reasoin,ablie regulations, including <br />a a <br />pcarkinigi, screening, and, open stora,g,e can be enforced. <br />Enforcement musit, be consistent with allowing A+ to continue their <br />activities. <br />di III <br />There are now pendingi certain criminal Complaints against A+ in <br />t',We colu,rt,s for noise violations. <br />GOM Oil <br />ji <br />We recommenid that this, office be given the authority to com'menaz <br />a civil, action req,uirl I ing A+ to comply with the City Code <br />riegulationsii. The occasional citing for violating MPCA or other <br />noise rules does, not, accomplish very, much. Hopefully, after a <br />c ' "I suite has been commenced a settlement can be worked outi., <br />Also, the u,s,e of the pirioperties adjacent to A+ have the same <br />violations. A+ has rialsd the question of "selective" enforcement. <br />They a,re probably right. We will have to enforce regulations on <br />all of the I'Llnidustriles on County Road C from Hamline to Snelling. <br />