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This match, illustrates hiow parties, witli -special needs can work toge.-ther <br />foirmi,ng a relationship elf using, each other's complimentary resources. The <br />residents have a, spacious home yet Loo, few able,, persons to manage the <br />hours eho lid. The l,ive-in, on the oi the r hand, has armble energy and time but <br />doesn't have the financial stability to provide- a, home environment for herself <br />and her son, All parties in th-I's match have z great deal of respect and <br />cumpassion, for i►ach other. Their deterwIlinat-lo-i to make the arrangement <br />to&et,her succeed is supported by the corupell-ing ..,ntcrest to create a well <br />functioning, however novel fa,m,il,y Unit". I <br />Program Hirhlirhts: <br />.A. <br />Share - -Hume has added a Caregiver component in, North Suburban 7amsey <br />P <br />County which provides information, support and counselling to indiviJuals, <br />invol,ved in the care elf older relatives, ar frielids. Ramsey uunity Community <br />D,evelop,men,t Bloc k, Grant, Program has providield fun,di,n,g foir this pro-ject. (See <br />flyer appended,) . <br />ea C'orpoirate donations (from 3M and Honeywell) allowed Share-A-Home to publish <br />two newsletter editions arid print a new upi-grailed brochure (See copy <br />appended <br />J. <br />^ Support, from, the Ramsey County ComimunIty Development Block Grant ' Program <br />enables Share-A-111onae tio prolvide services at no, cost to prograin participants in <br />CIMk <br />Norith Suburban Ramsey Ciounty for, a one-year pleriod (from 077/39 through 06/90). <br />A. <br />�%, Share-A-Hottie relicently, computerized and now has the capacity to selectively <br />access, client data and cross-match somie charac te ris tics and Preferences. <br />Considerable time is saved in creatinn potential matches throiji-h the use of a <br />c o mp u tie. r <br />.A. 'he developme <br />, nt of a <br />KARE TV donatield, time,, equipment and e.xplertise to t <br />, <br />Share - Hume Public Service Announcement �;hich has been aired on several local <br />Lelevisioll StatiOnso <br />.11, -leights news,I)aper, did a wonderful feature stary <br />Foe us,, a Hoseville/Falcon I <br />of a Share -A-Home match located in Rasl"%Ipille. (See colpy appiended. <br />.,I'. -iiare-A-11ome part ic i,pla,ted, in the SHARE Senior are Health Fair in Aug-List <br />and the Senior Opitilons Expoi 189 in Sepite:r;beir. Bo-;Ih events were held at the <br />SL. Paul Civic Center. <br />-ulining rand testifying at <br />-,e stialff we�r,e key part icilimit::i. in I)Ic <br />Shai —A—Home <br />State Legislative Ifearings. this spring, on bellialf of' the Minnesota Home Sharing <br />Ce <br />funding appropriated Lo th <br />Association (,-%M1fSA). As, a, result C> e Miiinesota <br />tr <br />Housing, Finance Agency folr state -w itle ho;rLe-siharing was JLnereased from $300,000 <br />to $500,0100, tor t1he next, biennium. (LS S i-1,; a f011ildillim)" Y:leiijbei, aud incorporator <br />o f 211115 <br />