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A <br />(Terrace, Drive) <br />WHEREAS, the City has approved said development and has <br />01 <br />further agreed to, a,cliquilre from Dev,el,oiper certain lands and the road <br />0 <br />improvements thereon in, conjunction with Developer's development <br />of adjacent properties as more fully set forth herein. <br />NOWr THEREFORE, in consideiration, of the premises and mutual <br />obligations, of the parties contained herein, each of them does <br />hereby repreise,nt., covenant and agree with the other as follows: <br />Section 1 1 Def *in it ionsi In this Agreement., the f ollowing <br />terms have the f lollowin,g ,riesiDective meanings unless the context <br />herleolf clearly reiqu,ire,s, otherwise: <br />(a) Roa r The Roadway shall consist of the road and curb <br />previously constructed by De,veloper on a portion of the <br />Roadway Property according to the Project Plans approved by <br />the, Clity Oi <br />(b) Erg,je,gt Plans,, Collectively the plans drawings, <br />6 1 <br />if <br />ons <br />icati, <br />spe,ci and related documentst together with any and <br />all changes therein that may hereafter be made, which are <br />described on Exhibit, <br />