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ERWIN A. PETERSON� <br />ROBERT C BELL <br />WILLARD L CONVERSE <br />ROGER A. JENSEN <br />KURT F. WALTHER <br />W. TIMOTHY MALCHOW <br />M ARTIN J, _ LLO <br />JAMES . ERICKSON <br />DAVID S. ANDERSON <br />WILLIAM M. DRINANE <br />PAMELA CONVERSE ZERIN <br />CAROL A. BALDW'IN <br />SC077 B. CROSSMAN <br />DAVID, R. F'ENSKE <br />CAROLINE F. BELL <br />000% <br />rETERSON, BELL., CONIVERSE & JENSEJ <br />November 2 1, 19 81�1 <br />mr,011 Steven D .1 Gatl loin, <br />Plubl ic 'Worksi D irector <br />City of' Roseville <br />1 <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, Minnesota, 55111 <br />REPLY TO: <br />St . Paul <br />Pro t No.1 ST-P-SW-89-1.7,r COUNTY ROAD B IMPROVEIMENTS <br />Contract with Toltz, Duvall,, Anderson and Associates <br />Our File No,, 1011-19 <br />0 <br />Dear Steve,41 <br />havie reviewed the proposed agreement between the I City of <br />Roseville and TKDAI, as well a,s t,heilir author ization f or <br />professiLo-nal seirvijcesi 411 <br />ontr a is In r <br />-in, poper form and "is in order for execution by <br />The cct <br />th,ie Cnty a, <br />Par,ag,ra,p,h, iiB,3,o should be amended, by striking the words "or for <br />contractors failure to perform his, wiork 'in accordance with the <br />con,tra,ct documents",, <br />1i 4 9 0 <br />These disclaimers are not appropriate in that the engineer is <br />reilil',e..ved of' a,n,y obligation to de,t,ect that -the contractor has <br />failed to, pler,for,m up to the specifications which is the primary <br />reason a pro,-lect representative/ inspector is provided by the <br />enginleer <br />9 # 6 <br />al,so know, f'rom experience that engineering companies Will <br />attempt to 'insert, such disclaimers and will generally allow them <br />to be stricken i,f they, are questioned. <br />ZZ= <br />