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!111 <br />J J <br />TKDA is hereby retailed on a, colium"um,ig basis, subject,, however., to terniination <br />by, eitheri party -m, accordance wid-i Article 5-1 A period of service for each authorization shall be <br />as set, forth 1*11 the specific of Authorization for Professional Services," as appropriate. <br />III, III I priq-= �-� ill 0 <br />Compensiation to, =A for services des�c�rib d M* the "Authorization(s) for <br />Professional Services,"' shall be, on a Lump Sum basis and/or an Hourly Rate basis as designated <br />di <br />jai each authorization, and as herem*after descfibed. <br />lei A, Lump Sum, method of payment for TKDAs services shall apply <br />tol aU or parts, of a work scopie where TKDA's't'asks can, be readifly defbied mid/or where the level <br />0 <br />I effort', required to accomplish such, tasks cati be estu"nated with, a reasonable degree of <br />accuracy The OWNER shaU make monthly payments to TKDA withm, 30 days of date of <br />invoice based oin an, estfinated percentag,e of'complet' n of TKDA'S, services. <br />I to <br />In ad(lition to the foregoing, T&DA shall be reftubursed at cost for <br />tihe follow" <br />g' 111c M 0 <br />Dire e <br />ct, Expenses wihn u,rred the performance of the work- <br />The OWNER shall inake monthly paynients to TKDA within 30 days of <br />date of j"nvoice based on computations made in accordance with the above charges for services <br />provided mid expenses incurred to date, accoinpanied, by supporting evidence as required. <br />IN <br />