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5A Act as liaison, with other agenct*es, to carry out necessary <br />coordfilation and negot1*atI'1ons;1 furnish approvals and pennits froin <br /># a giall golvienunental authorities bavig i,saiction over a Project <br />describe d iii, an Authorization and su,c approvals and consents our <br />others as, may be necessmy for completl'on of the Project <br />ive Prompt written noff-Ce to, TKDA whenever OWNER observes <br />T Go' <br />or otherwi-Se, becomes aware of any development that affects the <br />Uning <br />scope or It of TK,DA's services or any defect hi the work of <br />Conaruction, Contractor(s), Consultants or TKDA,. <br />9. Provi'de such accounting, filde pendent , cost estimating and insurance <br />coon selm"g services as may be required for the Project descn*bed U'l <br />an Authorization, such legal services as OWNER may require or <br />TKDA may reasonably request with regard to legal ;sues perutining <br />to the Project fticludhig any that may be, raised by, Cotitractor(s), <br />such audi"tj I ng service, as I OWNER iray require to ascertain how or <br />for what purpose any Contractor has used, tile, momys pai*d under the <br />construction contract, mid, such hispecflon services as OWNER may <br />require to ascertain that Cointractor,(,$) are com'pilying with any law, <br />rule,, regulation, ord.inance, c0de or order applicable to their <br />fum itshIng and, perforniingi the work. <br />SM <br />