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Y <br />Vol <br />TO: Toltz., KM"g,, Duvall,, Anderson <br />and Associates, hicorplorated <br />2.5010 Arnerican National Bank Buildm*g <br />St. Paut, Nfirmesota 5�5 101 <br />I you hereby authorized to <br />Pursuant to our Agreiement dated are <br />proceed with the Professional services described as follows: <br />Mtn r. ir e A <br />all 0 4" 1� am &q it A IF <br />PA MMIlk _001 <br />i If U� A <br />M "S <br />Provide Erig " No -t U ­ Construction En&eering in <br />ineerng Servicles for Part I ­ Plans aaid Pat <br />connection with Repair ofbi-Place Sanitary, Sewer and Waterniahis; House Service Conaiections; <br />mid Storm Sewer Outfall Facilities in connection on with Rwnsey County Road B hnprovements <br />between Diale Street and 1200 , Feet East of'Rice Street <br />Storni Sewer Outfi-ill Desi"giis for, Sllayer Avenue mid Ryan Avenue to the Wetland <br />Treati-nent Area North mid West of McCarron Lake <br />III I � 1P <br />Mil <br />Obtain Preliminary design data by utilizing City of Rose Vitle Record Drawings, <br />existm'g reports, related infomiation and on-site surveys. <br />b. r re a ig r rt coti t u to scheinatic layouts, conceptual design criteria, <br />: Pepa desn epo <br />opInions of probable cionstructi*on costs, mid findhigs and recon-miendations for <br />the follawi-tig: <br />,Sanitary Sewer and Sewer House Service Repair <br />Waten-nabil and Water House Service Repair, <br />Out fall - Storm, Sewer and Related Pondhig Facilifies <br />Sliryer/Rywi Avenues Stomi, Sewer Out falls <br />-I- <br />