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0 <br />19 <br />Ramseiy County, Agreement No, 89036 <br />Ci"' ty oif Ros.L--1,v,J`-lle Agreement No.— <br />I I I <br />Agreenient f or Road and Bridge Maintenancg- <br />THIS AGREEMENTi, by and between the County of Ramsey, a political <br />W <br />subdivision, of the Stiatie of Minnesota, hereinafter -refwerred to as <br />The ounty", and the C-ty of Roseville, a political subdivision of <br />a OL <br />tihe Stiate lolf Minnesota, heireinafter r,efer,ried to as the I to <br />WHEREAS, theCity, through 'Its Public Works Department, is re- <br />'ble for the mal"ntenance of certain roads within the City- and <br />spoinsi <br />WHEREAS,, the County has the personnel,, equipment, and proximity to <br />$I <br />these roadways, to provide the maintenance necessary on the roads. <br />The! parties mutually agree as follows:, <br />I It <br />1- Services: The services, wnilcn the County shall perform are as <br />M. <br />follows,* <br />L <br />a. Winter Road and Bridge Maintenance" <br />The County will priovide winter maintenance, 'Including but not <br />to snowplowing and application of sand/salt materials on <br />1.,'2.1 lane miles (0.28 riolad miles) oif C'itiy roadway and ric-a-Moval and <br />tra,n,sport of' snoiw, from, the County Rioad B-2 bridae over I-35W as <br />Th ` oun,ty will provide winter maintenance,- from November 1, 1989 <br />through April 30, 1990 and from Noviembiler 1, 1990 th-P.-ough April *%'J-'O, <br />1991. <br />a, <br />b. Routine Br idge MaintenanceE <br />The County will pirlovide routine minor maintenance of the County <br />Road B-,2 <br />a <br />bridge over I-35W between Cl*.-,,-,,.veland Avenue and Long Lke <br />Road. Routine minor maintenance sh,all, aInclude gua-1-d -27ail reapair, <br />litter anid debris removal friom top surfaces, top surface grafitti <br />0 4 <br />rem,ov,ia,l, and, other minor maintenance itiems the County is able to <br />perform. <br />Iq <br />2., Payment: The City shall pay the County, as folle.-,.ws: <br />a,. Wintier Road, and Bri idge Maintenancel <br />The City shall pay, the County at t1ie rate of $1,720 per lane <br />Ile per year f'ior winter Maintenance of 1.21 lanta mi'les of <br />roadway. A,n,n,,ual Payment -- 1 . 4 211 x $ 1,, 742F 0 $2,081-20. <br />c.1-nip and Transpor-t,- of 5-:,- <br />P iLow from fridge: <br />The City shall pay, th unty at t-he rate of- $4,094.56 per year <br />F <br />f or f or Pickup and trans-.Port fro the x• age ....,,ver i -;,..,W. <br />