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Xnow 411 Persons By These! Presents Thiait Welsh, Craissraads 89, a NinneSotai general partnership, owner, and Norwest Rank Minnesota, National Association, a <br />hational Sanking ASSOCIatIon organized under the laivis of' the! United States of America. Mortgagee of t,hie following described property situated in the City <br />of Roseville, Ramsey County. Minnesota,.- <br />Lots li through 6, Block 1, and Lots 1 througin 12, Bloic)L Z, and Lots I through 61, Block 3, BOL,STAD-S ADDITION, according to the recorded <br />Us is thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Together with, vacated F'r,y Street, Brooks Avenue and Bruce Avenue as dedicii in said HULSTADIS <br />A00 111,0N. <br />Aave caiii the Siiiiiie to be surveyed, platted and known as WELSH CiOSSROADS 89, <br />Welsh Crossroads 89,1 a MiAneSoita general partnership, has caused these presents to be signtledl by its proper officer this- day of 1989. <br />Signed: Pi Crossroads 89 <br />BY:,.- its <br />E. Pau T —DurFn- <br />STATE OF <br />CCWJNTY OF <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before jee tais, day, of 19 by E. Paul Dunin, of welsh Crossroads 09. <br />a Minnesals Seneral partnership, on behalf of the partner <br />tiotary Pubiic, County, Minnesota <br />My Coniissfoo Expires <br />,Norwest aani Minnesota, Nationial Association,, a National BanKing AsSoeiaitioA organized under the laws of the United States, of America, his caused thiese pres- <br />ents, to me sigivied by its proper oifftcers this :Say, of <br />Signed: korwest Bank, Minnesota, National Association <br />a V <br />it's <br />i is <br />STATE O'F <br />COUINTY V <br />The foreping instrument was a,cknowle!dlgie,d before me this, day of 1918 by, <br />bi 1 and <br />y of horwiest Baink Minnesota, National Association, a, National Bank ing 75SOC i dtioni organized under <br />,the Taflafltte "OnileZ States, of America. on he6alf of the aissociatiion. <br />4otary Public, County. Minnesota, <br />MY Commission EAfires <br />Edwarl K. Sande. hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property, described iin the dadication. of this plla,t as WELSH CROSSROADS 89, that this <br />pliat-is, a, correct representation of said survey'; that 311 oistances are correictly showini on the plat; that all monuments have been correctly, planed in the <br />ground is sn-awn; that the outside boundary lines are correctly aesiginiated on the plait; anid there are no uetlands, easements or pivailic highways other than <br />as shown thereon. <br />Nward H._3_un_d_a,7_a ­5u r v -ey o r <br />STATE MthihiESOTA Minnesota Registratioa No. 8612 <br />COUNTY - ------ <br />The Swirveyor's Certificate was subscribed) and sworn, to Defora me, a Notary Public, this ddY1 of <br />Notary Publ 1c, County,, Minniesota, <br />My Commilssion Expires, <br />Approved andi 3cz:kipted by the Ciity Council of the Ciity cf Roseville. Minnesota, this days of 19 <br />Mayor ` - C lierk <br />Taxes for the jear an the ldiniJ described herein paid. no Jelin cent taxes and transfer, entered, t,hiis day of 19­ <br />Director By Deputy, <br />Uepart;wnt Z? Proverty TaxialtT-00— <br />Pursu-iint to _-t' ipler 7, Minnesota Laws, of this plat has bean reviewed afidi apiproved, this day of 191 and the conditions of Winne- <br />so T' 5t3:­tesI 505.03,, 5111 S loin 2, have neen fulfilled, <br />ffa_77d 1, Claypool, <br />Ramsey County Surveyor <br />County ;ezzrzer, Zounty of Ramsey, State of Minnescta, <br />I Ii ZI'rti that this plait, of WELSH CROSSR,DIPM �9 was filed It", this Qffice this day of 191 alt o'clock .M. FiIV *wt filed <br />in 3i,-;_^K. :J Plaits, 5 10%r_L-rienit No. <br />By Daputy <br />�71,jaty Recorder <br />Bic. <br />