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USI WEST,, Case 'No. 2030 <br />ZME <br />The proposal is to construct, a structure on that portion of the <br />"U-silhaped" parcel fronting on Clevela,nd Avenue. The parcel will have a <br />frontage of 74,.,02 feet, and the structure, will be setback the require... <br />30 feett with a, requireld A foiot sideyard setbiack. The remaining <br />piortion of the site wi,ll be divided 'Into Parcels B and C and -added to <br />the cointiguous lots as, previously d,isicussed. <br />Landsc, <br />The applicants propose, to landscape the property as indicated an the <br />sitei plan., It sh�olulld be made cle,ar, hiowever, tha,t ail of the property <br />shoiu�ld be maintained ass. <br />Engineering Considerations <br />T'hel Engineering Deplaritment has commented on this proposal as follows <br />Th�e proposed plans 'Indicate a sidewa,lk running across a portion of <br />the property which wou,ld be required tol be completed to thZw <br />north, <br />2. The, Proposed drivellway shows a strip betweein the curb and the <br />concrietie sidewalk being constructed with biturninous material. <br />This area should be constructed in concrete to be consistent and <br />uniform with extsting policies* <br />F <br />36i The proposed dira,wing aippea,ris, to indicate this property to be <br />dtvided into, three parcels. If this i,s tihe case, the appropriate <br />I i,minary and final plat of <br />action would be to alsol apply for, a pred <br />it h 1, is si ti e .1 <br />The sildewalk shou�ld be continued aliong Cleveland, Avenue to the northi <br />extriernity of the site. Well suggest thiat a sidewalk" is not necessary <br />along the seirvi i ce road since this slide of the strieet, as it extends <br />further south ion the other side iof the freewiay, fronts the freeway and <br />dioesi not serve any private property. The sid�ewal,k�, should there be one <br />a,long the serivi,c,eli road, should be on the other side. <br />It is, the poilicy of the City to provide for essential utilities throughout <br />the community and, in all, districts, a Spiecial, Use Permit for this <br />purpose is provideld., If' it i,s construed that such state-of-the-art <br />