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5mi Tlhp general nature,, estimated cost, and area proposed to be assessed <br />for Improvement No. P-90-14 is determined to be as stated gin <br />the foregoing notice,, as fully as, though the same were separately <br />set forith and resolved herein. <br />A 41 <br />The morion, for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconded by, CounciLliDierson, and upon vote being taken thereon, th <br />following voted favor <br />7 i' the following voted against e <br />whiereuploin said resoluti" on was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Sis <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY' <br />Adopted by the council, this 8th day of January, 1990, <br />,C i'ty Manager <br />(SEAL) <br />