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I-OXTRACT OF MINUTES OF 14EETING <br />01F CITY' COU14CXL <br />OF CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY'o MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof , a regular meeting on the City <br />Council of the City of Roseville, Mi,nnesota,i was duly held in the City <br />Hall, on the twelfth day of June, 1989,, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. <br />The following members w,erie present*. Mayor and Counc ilmembers, <br />and the follow ing were absent: <br />Whereas,, pursuant to advert i4sement for b ids for the improvement, <br />accord wing to, the plans and spec 'if iciations thereof on f ile in the of f ice <br />of the manager of said, city, said bids, were received on June 5, 1989, <br />at, 11:00 a-.mi o1ii1clock,,, opened and tabulated according to law and <br />the following bids were received complying with the advert insement; <br />M'IDDIER AMOUN-71 <br />Midwest Asphalt Corporation $10111281111111,00 <br />Ashbach Construct loin $101F140s15 <br />Al <br />Contracting $1081014a00 <br />Ca S. McCross,an, $1101720e50 <br />WHEREAS i ti appears that Midwest Asphalt Corporation of Hopkins Mi nnesota <br />di <br />is the lowest responsible bidder at the tabulated price of $101j128o000 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />Rosev, ille, Minnesiota: <br />1,v The mayor and manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter <br />into a con,tra,ct with Midwest Asphalt Corporation for $101,,128-.00 in <br />0 <br />the name of the City of Roseville for the above improvements <br />according to, the plans and speciflications, thereof heretofore <br />approved by the city council and on file 'in the office of the city <br />manager,,. <br />2ft The,, city manager, is h,eireilby authoriLzed, and directed to return <br />11 <br />forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except <br />a <br />the, deposits of the successful, bidder and the next lowest bidder <br />shall be retained until contracts have been signed. <br />