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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF' MEETING <br />OF CITY COUNCIL <br />OF' CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MIZWESOTA <br />�-* 41104 <br />........... <br />41 <br />Whereas,, pursuant to advertisement for bids, for the improvement, <br />according to the, plans and specifications thereof on file in the office <br />of the manager of said city, said bids were received on May 23, 1989, <br />at 1,1.e.00 a.m. o'clock a.m., opened and tabulated according to law and <br />the following bids were received complying with the advert isemenk,. <br />BID AMOUNT <br />Central Landscaping $618j070a99 <br />Midwest Asphalt Coriporati'Lon, $6321917e19 <br />Asbiach Construction Co. $645,383*51 <br />Alexander, Construction Coi,, $6641226alO <br />C I <br />10 S. McCrossan Construction $733,427*72 <br />WHIEREAS, it appears that Central Landscaping of Forest Lake, Minnesota <br />is the lowest responsible bidder at the tabulat'ed price of $618,070,99_,, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />Roseville, Minnesota: <br />U.o The mayor and, maniager are hereby authorized and directed to enter <br />into a contract with Central Landscaping for $618,,070.99 in <br />4? <br />the name of the City of Roseville for the above improvements <br />a,ccoraing, to 'the plans and speic if icatim ons thereof heretof ore <br />approved by, the c. ity, council and on f ile in the office of the city <br />m,a,nager a <br />2 The city manager is hereby author ized and directed to return <br />f orthwirn to all bil dders the d,e,plos, "its made with their bids except <br />the deposits, of the successful bidder, and the �next lowest bidder <br />Shall be, retained until contracts have been signed. <br />