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'XnUrH.'QUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 5/08/89 <br />ITEM <br />Department Approval,: Manager Re�v iewe'd Agenda Section: <br />Consent Agenda <br />................ <br />Item Desicriptlon Ac�ceptanicle of Donation to the Parks and Recreation <br />Department <br />w <br />The Parks and, Recreation Department has received the following donation. <br />Mrs p Arlene Krause <br />1, *tip <br />10'12 5. 0 0 To be used for the construct i9oi3 <br />of a b ird nesting area near the <br />Harriet Alexander Interpretive <br />4 <br />Center as a memorial for Herman <br />and Elsie Stuber <br />V <br />Motion accepting donation of $125.00 from Mrs. Arlene Krause to,, <br />construct b,irid nesting, area near Harriet Alexander Interpretive <br />Center for memorial for Herman and ]Elsie Stuber. <br />