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W <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE . 5-8-89 <br />ITEM NO <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed. Agenda Section. <br />Report and Recommendation <br />Itiem Descr-ipti 106n Gordon Fenner �reiquest for a shoreline buildin <br />permit and, variance at 349 S. Owasso <br />Boulevard,, I <br />Requirement: 75 f ee,t <br />Proploseid 43 f eet ('worst case,) <br />V'a r ia n c e 3 2, f eet <br />Variance: 43% <br />Howard Dahlgren has revi"Lieweld the, proposal and f inds it to biz <br />iacc,eptiab <br />,COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED'o. Mot 'loin to a,pprove/deny Gordon Fenner <br />request for shoreline bui*ldi*ng permit at <br />349 SO Owasso Boulevard. <br />