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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 4/24/89 <br />INI <br />ITEM <br />Departmen't Approval., Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />Organizational Business <br />Item Descript,ion. Planning Commission Candidate Interviews <br />4ft, 0 <br />At its April 10 meet ing, the Council id lerected staf f to coordinate w ith <br />i ng <br />the Clouncil members to determine a date or dates f or the Plann <br />Commission cana,idate. intervi"ews. All Council members are available to <br />9 <br />interview the candidates, on Tuesdayi May 16,, and Wednesday, May 17. <br />01 <br />At this time, the Council may want to set a time schedule for these <br />III <br />interviews, <br />5 ire- A i kN' � ". via C*Tkw !&W <br />191 in 0 9 <br />Moti on schedul,ing interviews for the Pil,an,ning Commission candidatess <br />