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wwko-w SH"L+E <br /> REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> Date: Nov. 28 , 2011 <br /> Item No.: 12 .b <br /> Department Approval City Manager Ap raval <br /> Item Description: Discussion of Possible Legislative Actions <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> Senator John Marty, Representative Mindy Greiling and Representative Bev Scalze are planning <br /> 3 to attend the December 5, 20111 City Council meeting. <br /> 4 Councilmembers, staff and the Parks Implementation Team had identified the legislative <br /> 5 initiative supporting the League of Minnesota Cities recommendation to give cities the ability to <br /> 6 diversify their sources of revenue, including allowing cities to impose a local option sales tax for <br /> "7 public capital improvements with the adoption of a supporting resolution by the City Council. <br /> 8 Cities should have the discretion about whether to seek approval of the voters at a general or <br /> 9 special session. <br /> '1 0 Councilmembers have asked for legislative support for the public transit system, including <br /> 1,1 considering the NE Diagonal, and including of Roseville on Metropolitan Council maps and <br /> 1 d"? plans. Councilmembers also asked for support to address environmental quality issues and <br /> '1 3 helping local government protect water quality in their communities. <br /> '1 r° POLICY OBJECTIVE <br /> '1 5 Develop a strategy to work with Roseville's legislative delegation to address the city's needs and <br /> '16 concerns. <br /> 17 FINANCIAL IMPACTS <br /> '18 None <br /> '1 9 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br /> 120 Discuss developing a plan for working with the Roseville legislative delegation and develop <br /> 1�����11 strategies to address Roseville's needs and concerns at the Legislature. <br /> 020) <br /> Prepared by: William J.Malinen <br /> Page 1 of 1 <br />