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institute a GLWMO specific stormwater utility fee to finance the improved organization'. The <br /> board finds that this option retains the greatest amount of local control over the waters of the <br /> Grass Lake Watershed. This option will also ensure that all resources gathered for watershed <br /> management in the Grass Lake Watershed will be used to address concerns that are directly <br /> relevant to the Grass Lake Watershed, and not put towards programs that are of little benefit to <br /> Grass Lake. Further, the board believes that an improved GLWMO can achieve high program <br /> effectiveness. This will be done first and foremost by focusing the organization on addressing <br /> surface water quality through four programs: Education and Outreach, Monitoring, Technical <br /> Support, and Conservation BMP Cost-Share Incentives. This limited scope is a result of <br /> recognizing that GLWMO will remain a small watershed with a small resource base. The board <br /> will convene a Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) and a Technical Advisory Committee <br /> (TAC) to help GLWMO stay abreast of emerging concerns in the watershed. The board plans to <br /> retain consultant expertise in the equivalent of two full time employees to assist with technical <br /> consulting and project management. These concrete steps will help GLWMO become a highly <br /> effective organization while maintaining local control. <br /> Acknowledgements <br /> A special thanks to Jim DeBenedet, Joanna LaBresch, John Moriarty and Steve <br /> Solomonson—the citizen advisors on the task force for their indispensable help on gathering <br /> facts and focusing the decision making process of the board. <br /> 1 The board chose to recommend the option that scored the lowest in analysis of the criteria. This should not be <br /> considered odd,when it is understood that this option scored lowest because of the concern of one board member <br /> about the future effectiveness of the organization. Had there been consensus about the future effectiveness of <br /> GLWMO and the criteria of program effectiveness and monitoring capability been scored `high' GLWMO would <br /> have emerged as the highest scoring alternative. Since this concern about effectiveness was a minority view,it was <br /> outvoted in the final decision for recommendation. <br />