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Attachment C <br /> 1 AMENDED <br /> 2 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br /> 3 CITY OF SHOREVIEW, MINNESOTA <br /> 4 CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br /> 5 <br /> 6 ESTABLISHING AND EMPOWERING <br /> 7 THE GRASS LAKE WATER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION <br /> 8 <br /> 9 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into the day of , <br /> 10 20 l <br /> by and between THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE, a municipal corporation and <br /> 11 political subdivision of the State of Minnesota and THE CITY OF SHOREVIEW, a <br /> 12 municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. <br /> 13 WHEREAS, each City has the authority to manage surface waters within its <br /> 14 boundaries pursuant to M.S.A. 412.221, Subd. 6; 444.075 and 462.357, Subd. 1; and <br /> 15 WHEREAS, each City may jointly exercise common authority by adopting a joint <br /> 16 powers agreement pursuant to M.S.A. 471.59; and <br /> 17 WHEREAS, by means of a joint powers agreement, the Cities may establish a <br /> 18 water management organization pursuant to M.S. 103B.211 and 103B.227-103B.252, <br /> 19 inclusive; and <br /> 20 WHEREAS, a portion of each City lies within the geographical area hereinafter <br /> 21 referred to as the "Grass Lake Watershed", which watershed is illustrated and described <br /> 22 on Exhibit A attached hereto; and <br /> 23 WHEREAS, each City is desirous of jointly conducting a water management <br /> 24 organization that would adopt ce an ement a watershed management plan <br /> 25 for the Grass Lake Watershed which plan would preserve and use natural water storage <br /> 26 and retention systems. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings herein <br /> 29 expressed, the City of Roseville and the City of Shoreview agree as follows: <br /> 30 <br />