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290 and bindipg_arbitration bv ffli�na written ap al with an officer of the Boa hin 30 <br /> 291 days of recgipt of the Board's preliminary budget, The arbitration procedure set forth as <br /> 292 follows shall be followed: <br /> 293 a. App,eals of Determinations bv the Board of Commissioners. Members <br /> 294 shall compiv with Commissioners' determinations as to the force and <br /> 295 effect of the Watershed Manag�gment Plan,the Local water <br /> 296 Mapggement Plan, or improvements initiated pursuant to these Plans. <br /> 297 Anv member unit which dispgtes a determination of the <br /> 298 Commissioners' as to the force and effect of the Plan,, Local Pla <br /> 299 the cost allocations for the ementation of the Plan, mav @ppeal the <br /> 300 decision of the commissioners' within 30 da f receipt of written <br /> 301 notice of such determination. Should the appeal not be completed to <br /> 302 the satisfaction of all parties, a Partv mav submit the dispute,to <br /> 303 arbitration. Arbitration shall be conducted in the following manner. <br /> 304 Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Uniform <br /> 305 Arbitration Act tatute Cha ter 572L. <br /> 306 Subdivision 4. Capital Improvement Project. On or before June 1 of each year <br /> 307 the Board shall prepare a capital improvements program and recommend its approval <br /> 308 by the Cities. Each City agrees to review and approve or disapprove the capital <br /> 309 improvement program within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Board's recommendations. <br /> 310 Each City agrees to contribute its proportionate share of the cost of constructing capital <br /> 311 improvements approved by the Cities for projects within the Grass Lake Watershed. <br /> 312 Subdivision 5. Committees. The Board appoint such committees and <br /> 313 subcommittees lishinq terms and conditions for such committ as it deems <br /> 314 necessary and as are mandated. The Board shall invite members with expertise <br /> 315 in Hvdroloqv,___GeolQqy, Limnolwy, Freshwater Biology and other fields of stu <br /> 316 pertainingjo the mapg�ement of a waters s well as concerned members of the <br /> 317 qeneral aublic to serve on a Technical and Citizens Advisory Committee. Members of <br /> 318 this committee shall be approved bv a maiorL of the Commissioners <br /> 319 Subdivision 6. Reserved. <br /> 320 Subdivision 7. Review and Recommendations. Where the Board is authorized <br /> 321 or requested to review and make recommendations on any matter, the Board shall act <br /> 322 on such matter within ninety (90) days or within the statutory time requireme <br /> 323 whichever is shorter. Failure to act within such time periods shall constitute a waiver of <br /> 324 the Board's authority to make recommendations. <br /> 9 <br />