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433 Upon dissolution of the Organization, all property of the Organization shall be <br /> 434 sold and the proceeds hereof, together with the monies on hand, shall be distributed to <br /> 435 the Cities in proportion to the contributions made by the Cities to the Organization in its <br /> 436 last annual budget. <br /> 437 <br /> 438 SECTION VIII <br /> 439 EFFECTIVE DATE <br /> 440 <br /> 441 This Agreement and any amendments thereto shall be in full force and effect <br /> 442 upon the filing of a certified copy of the resolution approving this Agreement by each <br /> 443 City. Said resolutions shall be filed with the Roseville City Engineer who shall notify <br /> 444 each City in writing of its effective date. <br /> 445 <br /> 446 SECTION IX <br /> 447 COUNTERPARTS <br /> 448 <br /> 449 This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, and all so executed <br /> 450 shall constitute one Agreement, binding on each City notwithstanding that each City <br /> 451 may not be a signatory to the original of the same counterpart. <br /> 452 <br /> 453 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Cities have hereunto set their hands the day and <br /> 454 year first above written. <br /> 455 <br /> 456 CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> 457 <br /> 458 <br /> 459 By: <br /> 460 Mayor <br /> 461 <br /> 462 SEAL <br /> 463 <br /> 464 DATED: , 20 <br /> 465 <br /> 466 ATTEST: <br /> 467 <br /> 468 <br /> 469 City Clerk <br /> 470 <br /> 471 <br /> 472 <br /> 13 <br />