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Attachment A <br /> 1 City of Roseville <br /> 2 ORDINANCE NO. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE THREE, SECTION 302.15B(3) (MINIMUM <br /> 5 PENALTY) AND SECTION 302.15C (HEARING AND NOTICE) OF THE ROSEVILLE <br /> 6 CITY CODE <br /> 7 <br /> 8 THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: <br /> 9 <br /> 10 SECTION 1: Title Three, Section 302.15B(3) of the Roseville City Code is amended to <br /> 11 read as follows: <br /> 12 <br /> 13 (3) In addition to the administrative penalties identified above, the city may in <br /> 14 appropriate circumstances choose to not renew a license at the end of its current term for <br /> 15 non-compliance with any provision of this Chapter or for any other reason allowed by <br /> 16 law. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 SECTION 2: Title Three, Section 302.15C of the Roseville City Code is amended to <br /> 19 read as follows: <br /> 20 <br /> 21 C. Hearing and Notice: If after considering the staff s information, the City Council <br /> 22 proposes to suspen 2 revoke <br /> a license, the licensee shall be provided written <br /> 23 notice of the City Council's proposed action and shall be given the opportunity to request <br /> 24 a hearing on the proposed action by providing the City a written notice requesting a <br /> 25 hearing within ten days of the mailing of the notice of the City Council's proposed action. <br /> 26 The notice of the proposed action of the City Council shall state the <br /> catioli ar : <br /> and the action the <br /> 28 City Council proposes to take, shall inform the licensee of the right to request a hearing <br /> 29 prior to the action being final, and shall inform the licensee of the date the City Council's <br /> 30 proposed action will be considered a final decision if a hearing is not requested. Any <br /> 31 hearing, if requested, will be conducted in accordance with Minnesota statutes section <br /> 32 340A.415 and sections 14.57 to 14.69 of the Administrative Procedures Act("APA"). If <br /> 33 a hearing is requested, the licensee shall be provided a hearing notice at least ten days <br /> 34 prior to the hearing, which shall state the date, time and place of the hearing and the <br /> 35 issues involved in the hearing. An independent hearing officer shall be selected by the <br /> 36 City Council to conduct the hearing and shall make a report and recommendation to the <br /> 37 City Council pursuant to the provisions of the APA. The City Council shall consider the <br /> 38 independent hearing examiner's recommendation and issue its final decision on the <br /> 39 suspension or revocation. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 <br />