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The Project Memorandum was previously approved, as a, Categorical <br /> Exclusion on September 24, 2010. The purpose of this addendum, is to <br /> document the changes to the project on county Road B2 'between Fairview <br /> Avenue and the south bound Snelling Avenue off ramp from what was <br /> proposed in the project memo. <br /> Originally the project included a mill and overlay for the portion of County <br /> Road B2 between Fairview Avenue, and the southbound Snelling Avenue off <br /> ramp. The project will now remove the existing bituminous roadway and <br /> replace it with a concrete section. This change was made due to the high, <br /> volume of traffic on County Road, B2 and the minimal price difference <br /> between bituminous, and concrete,... The curb and gutter will be replaced <br /> where previously it was to remain because of its poor condition, especially at <br /> the Joints. The sidewalk on the south side of County Road B,2 will also be <br /> replaced for constructability reasons. <br /> Previously the traffic signals at the Wells Fargo/Mall Entrance, American <br /> 0, <br /> Road and the, Rosedale, Commons, Entrance were to remain, but because of <br /> their age and condition they will be replaced and 'Include APS. <br /> The geometric 'improvements to the road between Fairview and Snelling will <br /> not change from the original plans included in the project memorandum and <br /> include the addition of I a right turn lane into the Rosedale Commons <br /> Entrance, otherwise the -roadway will be replaced in its current location with <br /> no changes to alignment, profile or width. <br /> The total estimated project cost with the above mentioned, changes is <br /> $5,976,815, which is $1,031,085 over the original estimate of $4,945,730. <br /> The anticipated funding sources will remain at $2,394,000 of federal funds <br /> and local funds, will "increase from $2,551,730 to 3,5$2,815. <br /> I" is This revision not anticipated to cause any changes to the social, economic <br /> or environmental *impacts to this project; therefore, this project continues to <br /> meet the criteria for a categorical exclusion, per 23 CFR 771.117., <br />