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Op <br />III I I if 00 Dili Is <br />Pursuant to due, call and niotice thereolf, a regular meeting of the Cit <br />Council of the City of Roseville, County of Ramseyr Minnesota was dul <br />held on the 2117th, day of February, 119891F <br />The following' members were present: <br />and the following were absent: <br />Member introduced the following resolution and 'mowed its <br />adoption: <br />1,1"4 <br />1 0 ill -0-V b 11 11!111111i� <br />I i oairelt43 M'sW11"O <br />111 0 0 <br />The motion, f or the adoption, of the f ioriego,ing resolution was duly <br />sieconded by, Member . and upon a vote being taken <br />thereoln, the following voted- in favor thereof: <br />and the following vioted against the same. <br />WHEREUPON said, resolution was declared duly passed and adoptede <br />