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'Roseville City council minutes Page 2 <br />February 13,, 19, 89 <br />C-3 Kehr mioved,, Cushman seconded, that, consideration o.& PARK LAND <br />the subdivision ordinance amendment, concerning park DEDICATION <br />land diedication requirements be continued to the March ORDINANCE <br />27F 19891 City Council meeting. Roll Call, Ayes. <br />Cushman, Kehr, Johnson, Matson,, and Nays: None. <br />C-4 Kehr movedl Cushman seconded, that consideration of OUTSIDE <br />the reviewof City ordinances and polices relating to STORAGE AND <br />outside storage and merchandising be continued to the MERCHANDISING <br />March 271, 1,19819 City council meeting. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Cushman, Kiehr, Johnson, Matson, and Rog. Nays: None. <br />