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25. Amount of Rent Pler <br />Month or Bing o Occasion <br />$ 6 0 01 <br />B. Do you plan on conducting bingo with this license?' If yes, give days and time of bingo occasions. <br />I Da,y Time Day Time Day Time <br />Yes I©'' 2,7. Hiasthe $10,0100fildelity bond r �gquired by Minnesota Statutes 349�.20 been obtained? <br />36., Gambling M�an�agier Business Phone 37. Date gambling manager became <br />if 61 115,18 member of organization.: Month 8 Year 6 <br />ElYes,DlSla .381. Has the I i ce nisiie termination form, been completed? Attach cloply., <br />DYes,01%lo 39. Has the compensation schedule been approved by the organization? Attach copy. <br />401. List the day and time of the regular meeting of the organization. Day Time <br />41., Bank Name <br />E, FA ff Z TITIT, =1# � <br />43. Bank Account Number <br />GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION <br />By my signature bielow, loical law enforcement officers or agents of the, IBoardl are hereby authorized to enter upon the site at any <br />time gambling is being conducted to, observe the gambling and to, enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice. <br />BANK RECORDS, AUTHORIZATION 1% <br />By my, signature bel ow, the Beam is Ihereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling bank account whenev <br />necessary to fuif ill requirements of current gambling rules and law,. <br />II hereby declare that: OAT'H <br />1. I have read this application and alll information submitted to the Board; <br />2. All Irif ormation submitted is true, accurate and complete <br />- <br />I All other irequ ired linformation has been f u�llly, disclosed" <br />4. 11 am the chief executive officer of the organization; <br />5. 1 assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; <br />6. 1 will farniliarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the Board and agree, if <br />licensed, to a�blidle by those laws and rules, including arnenidments thereto; <br />7. M�embers,h�ip, list of the, organization wiill be available within se'ven..1days, after it is requested by the board. <br />44. Off,icia�ll, Legal INarne of Organization 45., Signature (must b 1 rrecHpkChief Executive Officer) <br />N <br />X <br />SAINT AGNES SCHOOLS' I <br />Title of Signer <br />F6 =.� .1 <br />0,1/117/1989 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY <br />I hereby acknowledge receipt of, a copy of this application. By a�ckno,wlledging receipt,, I admit having been served with notice that <br />this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control 'Board and if approved by the board, will become effective <br />160 days frown the date of receipt ('noted below) unless a resolution of' the local governing body is passed which specifically <br />disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received Iby the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 60 days of the <br />below noted date. <br />46. Name of' City or County (Local Governing Body) If site is located within a township, item 47 must be completed, in <br />& addition to the county signature. If township is not organized, <br />City of' Rosevi 11e 11 county m�ulst sign. <br />Signature of person, re,cel�v' applicatiom 47. Name of, Township <br />P-W 7) 1 <br />Title <br />r ho'.1 tinr (p", <br />Date received (60 dla�y period <br />begins from this date,) <br />07 <br />Signature of person receiving application <br />Q <br />48. =van tve ion to Local Governing Body Title <br />r If I <br />CG.100101 -03 (818'8') White Copy -Board canary - Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body <br />Page 2, of 2 <br />