00 vo
<br />January 6, 1,989
<br />TO: Steve North, Acting City Manager
<br />FROM** James Dl* Zelinsk
<br />Y Police �C�h,iefcxq
<br />RE,F -Night Scope,
<br />Body Microphone (Transmitter and Receiver)
<br />During calendar Year, 1988, our nation, plu,bll*cl,y proclaimed a war on drugs. Th,,
<br />City Council has directed thils, effort a, priority objective for the City of
<br />Roseville. The police department has adopted this obwect"
<br />j ive as a high priorit
<br />and all, available resourices,.are being uteld to combat same. I
<br />W:"L't,h this rieinewed emphasis directed towards the war on drugs. needed tools
<br />A
<br />requested through the normal budget process in 1986, 1987 and 1988 are
<br />surfacing more frequently and gaining in, priority as far as our persormel ar
<br />concerned, i. I
<br />During an, afternoon III eeng on capital improvements December 7. 1988, with
<br />]Finance and Aidmi'nistratl ' on, I was delighted to hear funds may be available to
<br />now purchasie the, above items. it :"Ls my understanding that if we c get
<br />an
<br />approval, from the council, un-expendeid funds from 1988 could be utilized to
<br />make the purchase rather than again requesting these items in the normal budget
<br />process.
<br />To reiterate on the benefits of having these toolso.
<br />I I
<br />The, night scope is used for surveillance during times of low light,
<br />0 a
<br />It, magnes li ght almost 40,000 times, allowing the viewer to see into
<br />daIk parkling lots, park areas, ne,ighborihood areas, etc. Beyond being able
<br />1i
<br />to, observe and gain evidence involving drug transactions, obvious other
<br />beneflits. include surveillance over areas frequented with vandalism and
<br />thefts when patterns are identified.
<br />The night scope would be purchased for the price of $5,9025900 from
<br />(Pon Strelicher Guns, 10911 W. Highway'55, Minneapolis, Mn.
<br />The body microphone system would, be, purchased for the price of
<br />$4,550.00 from, Audio Intelligence Devices, 1400 N.W. 62nd Street
<br />Fort Lauderdale,,, Florida 33309. 1
<br />