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Office Use Only Appi. by AA Res Cate <br />MINNESOTA OPEN APPOINTWENTS, ACT APPLICATION FOR SERVICE ON STATE AGENCY <br />Appointment <br />Souiqht: <br />Appiicant <br />Name.'- <br />Member Metropolitan Council (District 3) <br />(Enter the name of the agiency for whilich applicant seeks appointment) <br />(First IN ame) <br />(m,) (Last Name) <br />Applicant I <br />Address: 2185 Draper Avenue Rio, s ev 1, 11 e <br />(Street), (City) <br />Daytime (612) <br />- 631-0271 Rawley <br />Phone. County: <br />Did the appointing authority as you to submit this application? I YES El <br />STATISTtCAL WFORMAT!,GN <br />55113 <br />(State) (Zip) <br />Legislative <br />District: 63A <br />7w id <br />The f o llowinig inf ormatillon is optional and soulgM only f or the plu rposle of ico mpili nig a reqlui red annual report to <br />thie goverinor, and the legislature. Put an X in each aippriolpIriiatie box. <br />Sex Political Party Ralicie Natillonal Grigin <br />M l D R N III A B C 0 <br />11 /11;sz <br />x x <br />4N <br />A IQ <br />F44, <br />STATWEN'T 01,F QUALIFICATION <br />MR <br />i� n n e sotia Statutes 1151.0115'917 rewires that thie a p, p I i cat io n i n c I, u id ie "'a staitie irn le nt that the In 01 m i neie s ati sfi es <br />any I eig a I ly p riels lic r i b ed q u a I ifi c at io n s a n d any other i nf o irm a�ti o n the n o, m i in ati n g pie rsol n f eie I s w o �u I id be h e I pfu I <br />to the appointing author"ity." (MaV Inictude employment, , community slervilice, ledulication.) <br />0, <br />See attached resumei. �dao, 'I bielillieve that my engineleriLng career,, management <br />0 w, 0 0 a 01 , <br />exper'lence, CIV11c aictilvitipleis and residential loinglevity in �th,e miletriopol Itian area w1,11 <br />3. <br />enabile me, tiol make" meianl"Lngful contributions to, the wokk of' the MietriapoI t,an Clounc 1 as, <br />a representative of District 3,. <br />References: <br />John J., Marty IS enator Dilstri ict 63 <br />,Charles WILgier, Member Metropolitan Council,, District 31 <br />Steve North ,,'Ass istant City 'Anil trator, I City of Roseville <br />I <br />Way continuie on baick) <br />1, the undersigned., hereby state that II satisfy, to thle blest of my knowledge, all legally prescribed qualifica- <br />tions for the position sought, <br />od of - 4WIA op <br />L14 .1 W J <br />(Signature of Applicant) (Date) <br />0 <br />If applicant is biei�ng nominated by, another person or group, signature indilicates clonsient tio nominiation. <br />al a 0, <br />You will not reicieivie an acknowledgment of' this application but the appoinitin g authority will notify you if an ljnteIr- <br />view is desired K <br />RETURN THIS COMPLUED APPLICATION TO: JOANANDERSG14 GROWE,, SECRETARY OF STATE <br />Open Appoinmilents bliectilio�n <br />, W �� � � �. �� <br />w. 0, <br />.180 State Office Buildin N <br />g <br />(61,21) 21196-28105 St. Paul, MN 551 65-1 2,91�9 <br />