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a 0 <br />4 <br />r%1 4i <br />Re, rermit for M�cCa,rroins L,ak,e (ISt, Plaul Winter Carnival Softbial', <br />Tou�rn�a,ment on February 4 and 5, 1989), <br />tear Mr. McDonoug4j <br />In riesponse to yiolur letter of December 6,, 1988, to Mr. Michiael <br />a 11 <br />M�atitson, Permission i�si granted for you to conduct • sof'tibal�l <br />0 <br />tourina,ment, on February 4 and 51, 19189, at McCarroin�s Lake subject to th�e <br />following conditions: <br />W <br />1. The,, parking lot, mus,it be plowed, prior to the tour'namen�t, by <br />Q <br />tihe St. Plauill Winter Carnilva,l Association, The lot must be <br />plowed, to-capacityto air ,te plarticiplants and <br />0 <br />splectators, Curbs musti be marked Prior to snowifallii, <br />2o Use of tihe lifeguard qu�arters i's limited to participantsi% <br />The Saint P,aul Winter Carnival Assiociation wi'll bell <br />0 <br />resipoin�silble for s,uper,viising use of' the building. The <br />plumbing will not, be useable in February,, <br />3o No a,l cohol '10 c beveriagies, wi 11 be peirmi tteid, i n th�e Park area. <br />441 Picking up, of all litter shall be the, respionsibility, of the <br />St. Paul Winter Carnival Association, Ramsey County will <br />"de trash can� <br />prio�vi s. <br />