W '011e City Counc"l
<br />To.i Rosevi I
<br />From: Karil P. Ke,eil, Assistant Publi'c Works Director\,
<br />Mi a 0
<br />R,e: Staff response to assessment queszi,ons raised by council
<br />On August, 16i, 19,8,8,,, and August 17,, '11988, the city council luet to hold
<br />public hearings for the 317 public 'improvements to be assessed in 1988.
<br />0 a
<br />During, tihosle meietingst the council directed, staff to investigate issues
<br />related to some of the improvement projects relative to a number of
<br />0
<br />prioiject,s, The following is a list of council concerns by project
<br />number and staff's response and recommendations.
<br />10
<br />PMST�1816�2,2 Lakeview from, Wiolodhill to County Road C-2 and Orchard Lane
<br />a
<br />f'rolm Lakeview to Victori'Lammstreet reconstruction and stor--m-
<br />sewer,.,
<br />01 0
<br />It is the staff is olpi,nion that the most appropr ilate method to reduce the
<br />above mentioned assessmient,s is to spliti those lots into lots of less
<br />than one acre each,, Thus lot was siplit o two, the assessment
<br />would be calculated based on two units rather than 3.33 per acre.
<br />Specitically, this concern, relates to three lots along Lakeview Avenue:
<br />217714,F 2800, and 2808.
<br />In, the case of 2774 Lakeview Avenue,, a, split half way through the lot
<br />a
<br />seems appropr 'late This lots dimensions are 100 feet by 175 feet with
<br />I
<br />the, front having access to Lakeview Avenue and the rear having access ti
<br />Victoria Stireilet. Tlhu,s, two buildable lots, could easinly be obtained.
<br />2800 Lakeview Avenue presents more problems. This lot is 180 feet by
<br />300 feet with the existing home centered, in the rear portion of that
<br />lot,. In order to split this, lot "in twilo, it seems most reasonable to
<br />tivide out an 85 feet, by 1,,510 feet lot from the northwest corner of thG
<br />