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m <br />1111111111 1111111liq <br />Executive Vice PresIdent <br />Ch�ielf Operating Officer, <br />612 /1483-312331 <br />May 18111 1988 <br />Dr. Ron Eggert <br />18618, Simpson <br />Falcon Helights, M�N 55112 <br />10 ql� <br />In m�y lefter to, you of' May 10, 198% 1 Indicated that I would be sending you a <br />Iption of-the public acces i,ces which could be provided <br />by Cable TV North Central were we to retain responsibility at the $0.,45 per <br />subisicrli,blerl per month cost level., Accordingly, the following is proAded for yolur <br />review and consideration. <br />Staffing would be sufficient to support cu�rrent access u,sag�e, with roorn, for <br />expansion, as well[ as, to priovide local origination prograrnming.1 Playback of tapes <br />prepared by a,ccess users would continue to, be possible. We, estimate that two full- <br />timel individuals, will staff the Woodhill Drive studio which could also have available <br />to, it,, on a shared' basis, addit'lional personnel support. <br />Cable TV North Central believes that thiis arrangement will enable Cable TV' North <br />Central to, provide, adequate public access and local origination withoiut any basic <br />chan�ge in, the l�evel of current servicesi. As you know', these services are belimg <br />provided on an Inefficlent basi�s which benefit's no one.1 <br />I hope this outline will assist you to make a basic cholice between (1), the <br />Commission asisu�ming responsibility for publilc ac�cess/Ilocal crigination or (211) allowing <br />Cable TV' North Central to, continue on an economically sound and efficient basis, <br />cc. Bolotsle Anderson <br />to provide anylvadditional informatione <br />