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G,erald H. Kaufhoild, k-,ase N■ V 1857 <br />a <br />of pa irk dedication is in accordance w,ith current subdivision regulations <br />if l,and is to ■ plat,ted consisting of more <br />requiring sucih dedications <br />than 5 _.res'.1 <br />Undier th�iese 11 circurnstancesil it applear,s to be unwise on the part of the <br />l,a,nd �ow,n�er an�d the C <br />ity of' Roseville t,O commit a, portion of the site <br />� \ <br />\ \ n \ <br />for single-family residential Purposes Without theirie being a proposed, <br />e~ a` ® I n,able, and a■ pr■ vable solution for the remainder of the site,, This <br />sim■ I <br />y i,s not, wise city planning, development strategy, nor is it in the <br />public *Interest, Therefore, we su�ggest t.0 he Comrnission . C$ the considieration of no t, atnend' <br />acicoridancie with the plat as proposed Ing the Comprehensive Plan in <br />, but recomniend to the applicant <br />