Wiskii movedi Matson, seconded, that Resolution 8223, in RESOLUTION
<br />Commendation Of Bruce Ryden, Upon His Reiti,reim,ent, be adopted. 8223
<br />4
<br />qP
<br />Roll Call, Ayes., Johnson, Matson, Cushman, and Wiski. Nays.
<br />None
<br />W III
<br />iski moved, Matson seconded, that Resolution 8224, In RESOLUTION
<br />Commendation0f Walt ilopike Upon His Retirement, be adopted, 8224
<br />R,ioll Call, Ayes Johnson, Matson, Cushman, and Wiski
<br />I
<br />Nays: None 15,
<br />Johnson moved, Cushman seconded, that Resolution 8225,, RESOLUTION
<br />In ApprieciatiLion To Don,n Wiski For His Service As Mayor,, 8225
<br />I
<br />be adopteld, Roll Call., Ayies: Johnson, Matson,, and Cushman.
<br />W Wiski.
<br />Niayis: N'onei, Abstain.
<br />Ma,tson movemid., Cushman seconded, that the minutes of the MINUTE
<br />regiular meeting of November 231,1987, be approved,, Roll
<br />AI
<br />Call, Ayes: Johnson, Matison, Cushman,, andWiski. Nays: None.
<br />a
<br />Cushman moived, Johnson seconded, that the minutes of the
<br />special, meeting of December 1, 1987, b�e approved. Roll Call,,
<br />I
<br />Ayesl: JohnsonI Matson,,, Cuslman., and Wiski,, Nays.* None.,
<br />Mats,on, mloved, Cushman seconded,, that the renewal of LIQUOR LICENSI
<br />the following liquor licenses for Calendar Year 1988, RENEWALS
<br />be approvied. with the condition that the require%d
<br />Insurance Certificates,, Surety Bonds, and Workers'
<br />Compensation information be submittedbefore the
<br />l I
<br />icensies may be issued.
<br />