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LEMLATWE CODE <br />solta Statutes. Chapter 349. Applicants shall pry <br />v,ilde the inspector with all information requested. <br />and failure to do so may be cause for the councill's <br />disapproval, ofits application. <br />(b) 'exports. A, licensed organi,zation shall, file <br />with the inspector copies of all reports which it is <br />required to file with the State Gambling Control <br />Board* and shall do so, within, seven 1(7) days of <br />f"illing the report with the board. Failure to com- <br />ply with this provision Erna constitute grounds <br />for disapproval of state gambling, licenses by the <br />city council., <br />(Ora. Nol,. 1,73814,, § 1, <br />Sell 402' .051. Investigation fee. <br />(a) Pursuant to authionit granted by Minnesota <br />Statutes, Section 3491-16, there is herebiy imposed <br />on, orcranizations applying for or renewing a state- <br />issued license to conduct lawful gambling, an <br />invesitigation, fee in the, following amounts,, which <br />fee, ' must accompany, the notice, filed with the city <br />clerk. Failure to play this fee, shall be cause for the <br />council's disapproval, of the application: <br />(1) A,11, forms of gambling ..,,,.,..,,.,.,,,,.,$5,0 .00I <br />(2) �Al,lfor�ms,exclept bin <br />g,o,,, Ali ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,.,,,,,,, 300.00 <br />(3) 2,00�.100 <br />(b) In the-casie of an initial, application, for a, <br />new state gambling license,, Class B (all forms <br />except blingo),, payment of the inve5tigation fees <br />may be paid to, the ic�itty in two (2) equal, install- <br />mients, the first installment paid at, the time of <br />aDph"cation and the second, installment paid within <br />six (6) months of the apiplication,. The late fee <br />provisions set forth in Section, 310.091(d) shall be <br />,applicable to, late iiistallment, payments. <br />iOird. No,, 173814, § 1,9 8-7-86) <br />See. 4012'.06. City pernuft required. <br />Lawful gambling by organizations not r,equi , red <br />to obtain a state license pursuant to said Chapter <br />3'4,91 may be conducted in the City of Saint, Paul if <br />an organization has been 'Issued, a permit, approved, <br />tj <br />by, council resolution and upilon compliance with <br />the provisions, of this chapter. <br />(Ord. No., 1173814, § 1,9 8-7 -816), <br />-See,., 4,02.07. Clity perinit appiicatio4 <br />(d) Raffles only—$50.00. <br />(Ord. No 17384. § Lp 8-7-86) <br />Cross references—Uniform license procedures generally. <br />Cl h,. 310; annual increase in license fees, 4 310.16. <br />402.09. Compliance with state law­. <br />Sec., 4,02.10. Use of gambling profits. <br />Prof is from lawful gambling may be expended <br />only for lawful purposes as authorized at a regu- <br />1,ar meeting of the conducting organization. <br />(Ord. No. 17,84, § 19 8-7-86) <br />See. 402.11. Reports. <br />The, permitted organization shall file with the <br />in,spector within thirty (30) days of each crambling <br />i-cicasion permitted a copy of the reports required <br />