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Regular meeting of the City Council - January 11, 1988* 7**30 p9m,ll <br />The City ("WounciLl. met on the above date with the following ROLL C At L <br />m1einiberis prei,sient: Matson,,, Cushman,, Kehr, Johnson,, and Rog,, <br />Members absent: None. I <br />Matson movied, Cushman, seconded., that the minutes of the MINUTIES <br />regular meeting of' December 21, 1987 ble approved. Roll <br />Cal"]_,l Ayesi,: Matson,, Cushman, and Johnson, Nays None. <br />Abstain,: Kehr, because he was absent from the r.neeting; Rog <br />beciau,se he was not in office at that ti,,He. <br />B-1 Keihr moveld, Matson Seconded, -that Gierald Kaufholdis GERALD <br />request, flor plan amendment, rezoning from R-1 to B-2 KAUFHOLD <br />and B, L,, and preliminary plat at, 1130 County Road B <br />be cont,inued to the February 8., 1988 C`ty Counc3ml <br />L <br />meeting. Roill Call,, Ayes: Matson, Cushman,, Kehr, <br />Johnson,i and Rog. Nilays: None,.l <br />2 Keh,ri moved,, Matson seconded, that, Centre Pol"nte's ("..EN'Ti:RE POINTE- <br />request for final pil,at on the east, side of -35W <br />between County Roads C and D be continued to the <br />Februiary 8, 1988 City Counc-11 meeting, Roll Call, <br />Ayiesi: Matsoni Cushman,, Kehr, i1ohnson, and Rog. Nays, <br />Noxie -.1 <br />C-1 Kehv* moved <br />A- All , Natson, seconded,, that a, Council Work COUNCIL APPOINT- <br />Siession be s,cih,eduled <br />• 50-00 Tuesday, January MENTS FOR 19 • 8 <br />19 "in Althe Citw-y Hall, for the purpose of discussing <br />organizational businesis and other iltems the Council <br />deems a,pipir opri a tell. Roll Call, Ayeso.i Matson, .C.4.ushman,, <br />Kehr, Johnson and Rog. Nays.- Nonelft <br />K,ehr moved Matson seconded,, that the Council Appoint <br />ment.sp for 1988 be continued to the january 1988 <br />City Council meeting, and also be discussed at the <br />January, +0F 19,88 Council Work Session. Roll Call, <br />Ayels-0, Matson,,, Cushman, Kehr, Johnson, and Rog. Naysl <br />None'. <br />C-2 Kiehr mioved,, C"luslunan seconded <br />t 11, a t t...-he 1988 Standing 19 8 8 S T A N'DlL N G <br />9 ",q <br />Rules of Procedure f or the Roseivi.Lie <br />City Councol be RULE "3) OF <br />adopted,, Roll Ciall? Ayes. Matsion? Cushman, Kehr, PROCEDURE <br />Johnison, and Rog, Niays: None, <br />C-3, Kehr moved that the Roseville Rlill'iew be designated 0 F F 1 ("l A L - <br />a,is th-e. C"I"ity of Roseville al newspaper for 1988. NEWSPAPER <br />Mot i ilon, died for I lack of a second,, <br />Mat,son, moved,, (".ushrrican seconded that designation of <br />41 <br />an, official, lkliewsplaper for the City of Roseville for <br />1 <br />19818, be continued to the January 25, 1988 City Council <br />meeting. Ao.11 Call,i Ayesa Matson,, Cushman, Kehr, <br />.V <br />0 i ohnsonir and Rog, N'ays.- None, <br />