<br />ITEM NO.: 6 q/
<br />al 0
<br />Department Approval. Manager Reviewed.& Agenda Section'.
<br />Wi #
<br />It,em Description: Study on potential post office sites.
<br />Attached, 'is a, memo from, Mayor Rog instructing that an "in-depth study',
<br />11 #
<br />be made of pot,eint,ial, post office siites,i
<br />Mr.. Dah1gren, was contacted to provide, a "not to exceed amount'! for
<br />conduict,ingi such a stud Mr. Dah1gren unable to provide a "not t*1
<br />exceed amount," Instead, he provided an estimate of $-
<br />1 51000 - $7r5001
<br />ice, Wo
<br />assium,ing the post off uld cooperate with the study.
<br />He, further stated, that such a study could not be completed until late
<br />Fleibruary or March 1. This would, necessitate continuing the apulica-
<br />ft
<br />tion, to rezone and redeveloip the Lex-Lngton School site to the Rarch
<br />Planninig Cornmission, and City Council meetings if the study resu_1.+,.--,S;,
<br />11
<br />were to assist "in m,ak,.,,-n,g a decision on the application,
<br />Contact was made with the architect today, and the applicant d.1d not
<br />a 0
<br />know what information the post of'f'ice was going to present to the
<br />F-Ilann ng Commission or the City Council in February The post off e
<br />representative could, not be contacted,,,
<br />The alternative to the above, would be for the Community Development
<br />Department, to pirepa,rie a listingi of potential sites. Th.1-s would provide
<br />only very preliminary, results,,
<br />a
<br />The staff Is un;clear what -is expected from the Dah1gren study, and
<br />9
<br />what riole the staff 'Pis to, play lun managing and participating lan that
<br />process.
<br />Motion apprioving/denying, the retention of Dahlgrien, Shardlow, & Uban,
<br />I
<br />Inc. to conduct an .0-n-depith study, on, alternative potential post office
<br />101,
<br />sites
<br />