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8 <br />%to, January 14, i(9 8 <br />sl <br />TO: A ndr e <br />I <br />FROM: Stieve North� <br />STBjE'CT.ei <br />ORDINANCE REGARDING ESTABLISHI14G MATE IFOR <br />PR,IMAiRY ELECT-ION ;.- I r,�uj <br />The Council, at its January 111.1988 meetingr adopted an <br />I <br />ordinance amending, Slection 239�.02,10 of the C4tY <br />al Code by ProvidincT <br />for the Municip PriMary Election to be held s& <br />IX weeks Prior t- <br />the Municipal General Elect" 0 <br />lion. <br />This ord inancei amendmient was requ <br />aidopted by thie 19187 leg" slaturieli . Ired because of state statute <br />Because of the exteondeld time beltwe,en the and general <br />elections, from two primary weeks to s , <br />A ix weekis, the Coun' 11 Placed It on <br />the work sessi-on agenda for an explanation of t C' <br />'the statute,,, he reasons behind <br />19 v <br />n,elein Schendell, from the League of jq* <br />innesota Cities, and who <br />represents the Ajelague at the legislature regarding election <br />Issues, indicated that the motivation behind the change was to <br />provide cities more time between the electu <br />"I ► ions <br />a for the absentel <br />bllo p <br />t rocess <br />The 1 e g It, <br />I-slat'Llon also requires that the fvl' <br />al,l <br />ing of Af f idav its of <br />Candidacy ish Occur not more, than, ten n1or less <br />pri than eight week <br />S <br />before the ,m,ary.1 The old law required not more than e* <br />11 <br />iess than <br />SIX weeks, Ight nol <br />Following is a Schedule of dtes <br />OI.L a for the 1989 election us' <br />'d and new law. the <br />Filing Of Affidavil,ts <br />a <br />F IIng Of Af'f i daviLits <br />PrImary Elect' <br />on <br />General, Election <br />RNMIR M <br />,opens 8/29/89 <br />closes lion <br />9 1.6 / 8 9 <br />10/2.4/89 <br />WNW 11/07/89 <br />The new schedule,,r as required by law, must <br />Ity, Ind the on.1y opt - <br />a 1011 aVailable to the <br />a <br />havie the, p'rimiaryi more -than sIX weeks before <br />)i <br />7/18/8g <br />8/01/89 <br />9/26/89 <br />ci/0@7/89 <br />JIM <br />be adl e <br />II u to by t1je <br />Councl*'L is whether to <br />the general, <br />