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14 It 40 1".4.1 Wl �111 <br />III IFY -moo � r <br />QUIP,, <br />N <br />The City Co�unciell of the Cli'ty of Roseville hereby vacates thepubii* <br />a <br />strielet over the property described, as follows. <br />Said, vaciation, retains a <br />"- as followsg <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconded, by Coiu,ncilm,e,mbler and upon a vote being taken, the <br />01 <br />following voted 'in fiavior of the resiolution: <br />0 <br />and the following voted, against the siameE <br />WAEREUPON said resolution was declarelid duly passed and adoptedi <br />