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We are writing in regard to our driveway vhi,ch 13 facing Pascal Street. Pascal <br />is scheduled for repair workq now curbs and gutters,e We have a 2,9 ft*, cement <br />i <br />driveway with a retaining wall on both sides. We underst that the code In <br />jtO36vLUq only allow dr:lvevVs to be 22 fte -iddee <br />We bavG had this driveway fW 10 Years WO Understand that the code back 19 <br />197,8 was ol 22 ft* The COMPar'Y that T)Our6d Our dr:1"WaygOta Wrmitl frCft <br />RoseV13-le and was not informed, at that time that th9 t wais 22 ft,* <br />we have a, =99tingi with, Dave Unisoh. and, We jopke at the city hall, We <br />jani,s�ch, Mr Behning and another fellow came to our hOuss and marked Our driveway <br />vith different options that could be done h,eiroo <br />i <br />There are a, lot, of driveways In Roseville, that are more, than 22 ft., and WO fOal- <br />that there sho be a code change, and, that existing driveways should remain <br />as they are. or we shovLU to ab3A to get a minor varia=e to let this driveway <br />stand as it is 9 <br />s driveway would riot Interfere with other driveways, because we do not hav: <br />how,es across the street from, us and, there zNvGr Will be* <br />Kix"407;1 01 - — <br />