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z'7%'.'Q'7'QUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 4-11-88 <br />ITEM No, - <br />0 <br />III Zi <br />Keport and Recommendation <br />It DescriPtion: Receipt of bids for tree removall calendar <br />year 198a, <br />On Mondayl,, Apr ili 4,, 1988, sealed, b 'Ids werie received for the removal <br />of disleased trees and stUmps wilothil'i the City of Roseville. Three <br />bids were rieceived with he follow,ing results: <br />10 10 ii� 11MO 111 M <br />The adoption of R { <br />mot 1 0 <br />ion tin <br />the bid of Ceres Tree Company 'in th <br />amiount of $8 s 58 per 1` nch f or remova <br />of id 11'seasied trees in the city, <br />designated as, Project Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii88-01, I <br />