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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF CITY COUNCIL <br />OF CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />RAMSE�Y COUNTY1 MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting on the city <br />Council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, was duly held in the City <br />Hall, on, the eleventh day, of April, 198,81, at 7.v30 o-tclock p.m, <br />The following membleirs were priesent: mayor and Councilmembers <br />and the following, were absent; <br />41 <br />Councilmember introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />zdoption: <br />s <br />NOW <br />ip <br />",��11001161 11 11 1 1 <br />Whereas, pursuant to, advertisement for, bids for the above 'improvements, <br />ac,cioirlding to the plans and specifications thereof on file in the office <br />of the Manager of siaid City, said biswere received on April 5. 1988t <br />i <br />at 10:00 a,,,m,, o'clock a,,im.,,, opened and tabulated according to law and <br />Pi A <br />the following bildswere, received complying with the advertisement. <br />4 1 <br />WHEREAS, it appears that C. S. McCroissa,n of Maple Grove, Minnesota is <br />the lowest responsible bidder at the tabulated price of $325'.927.90'. <br />NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />Roseilv 111 ll,ie , Minnesota: <br />1 The Mayor, and Manager are hereby authorized and d irected to enter <br />into a contract with C. S. McCrossan Construction for $325,,927.90 <br />9 <br />in the name of' the City of Rosevi lie for the above improvements <br />according to the plans and spec ift"cat ions thereof heretofore <br />approved by, the C inty Council and on f i'lle 'in the of f ice of the C 10ty <br />Ma,nagier.1 <br />