R10 sev il I e CiLty, Counc 11, Minutes
<br />April 1,11 1988
<br />UUME
<br />P -i6 Cushman moved, IJohnsion seconded, that the following PLANNING
<br />itlems be referred to the May 4,, 1988 Planning Com- COMMISSiON
<br />mission meeting, and establishing, the Council publiec REFERRALS
<br />hearing for May 9. 1988:
<br />Rosevillie Properties request for a rezoning froiff
<br />I-1 to B-4. and Special Use Permiet for site plan
<br />approval, at 1955 West County Road B-2.
<br />4. Dean McAllister/Robert Michels request for lot
<br />diviis 'loin at 8,18 and 820 Millwood, Avenue.
<br />5. Dick Kotoski request for loit division at 2466
<br />S treet .1
<br />0 a
<br />6., Roberti Renstriom request for lot division and a
<br />Spec ial Use Permiti f or a pil,anned un wit development at
<br />,1887 and. 1,895 Rice Streeti.1
<br />7,., Amendment to the I-1 and 1'-2 zoning district
<br />reigulations, tio, allow inini-storaige as a use by
<br />Spec ilal Use Perm, 11"it is
<br />Roll, Ayiesila, Matson, Cushman, Johnson,, Kehr, and
<br />Rocr,, None i.
<br />4W,
<br />F41"7 Cushman, moved,, Johnson secondeld, that the following SPECIAL
<br />items ble referred tio a May 18,, 1988 Special Planning PLANNING
<br />Commissi'lon meeting, and establish wing, the Council COMMISSION
<br />61
<br />public hearing, for May 23, 198809 MEETIVZ--
<br />L Comprehens, 'I've Plan Amendment f or the Tw in Lake
<br />Redevelopment A,riea i i
<br />2. Piolicy.
<br />► recraire a ten pericent land dedication
<br />for open space in the Twin Lakeis, Redevelopment
<br />Area.
<br />Roll C al, l, Ayes: Matson, Cushman, Johnson, Kehr, and
<br />Riog,,, as None.
<br />