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Mr. Steve North <br />City of Rosevill,.-I <br />May 5, 1988 <br />Page 2 <br />PHASE I: AUDIO AND VIDEO SYSTEM OVERVIEW AN <br />CAPABILITIES PROFILE I <br />A. Jamieson and Assocea,tes o <br />All inc. will conduct <br />I <br />Interviews with, selected City of Rolselvi'lle staff.% <br />I <br />ellected and appointed, officials, and the, City's video <br />ipera,tor, and, a,tten�d Council ch�amb,er meetings. <br />The riesu�lts wlill be the basis for an evaluation of' the <br />I <br />curren�t use of audiovisual tech�nollogies to slu�pplorit the <br />meetings' a,genda,s and to furth�er the City's <br />communications objectives through Cable TV broadcasts. <br />B. As a part of' the above priocesso Jamieson and, <br />Associates Wfll identify a sample of City objectives <br />1 01 <br />and activities (in addition to cable biroadcast of' <br />Council chambers' meetings) which c,oluld be served by <br />I <br />deo & <br />the use of audio a,n�d, v' technologies. <br />C. An evaluation of the exisiting, Council chamiers' <br />facilities wil�l be conducted with, an eye toward <br />Modifications which coul�d improve <br />t*l*zation of' audi <br />and video technologies for m�eeting su,pport, <br />Do eson and Assoc-ates '11 ri 0 <br />1 ., w I eviie,w the current <br />Council Chamblerl's audio and video communilca,tions <br />equipment and techniques, provid* <br />4F Ing com�ment on <br />immediate and long range impirovements and olpt,i�ons, <br />E. The riesu�lts of the work, In Phase I will be pre ented <br />in a Capabilities Profile report Al Included in t,h�e <br />rieport will be su�ggesteld options for immediate and l�ong <br />ra,n�ge steps to be selected, by tih�e City, to improve and <br />increase its u�se of audio a,n�d, video technologies, <br />0 IN <br />In addition to reviewing the report, with you a,n�d <br />selected Cety staff', a Jamieson and Associates, <br />1� <br />representative will be avail�a,bile to rev*lew the report <br />with the City Council. <br />171HASE 11051 DET'ERMINATION� OF STEPS, TO BE IMPLEMENTED <br />In Phase II, the City will decide upon implementation <br />of the recommendiations in the Phiase I repoirti., <br />