<br />ITEM
<br />Weplartment Approval Manager Rev, iewiled: Agenda Section.
<br />Item,Dlescription: Additional funds for Langton Lake Park Plannin
<br />Contract, I
<br />In September 1,9,816, a contract was approved with Dahlgren,, Shardlow,,
<br />and Uban, Incq to provide planning and design services for Langton
<br />Llake Park,. 'The estimate for the services was $5,200.00 to $51500*00*
<br />The finial cols�t of the prio3leict was $6,,,7165,,,00, leaving an over expenditure
<br />of $1,275,,00.,
<br />Reasons provided for the ovier expenditure were that an *interim plan
<br />was requested to be prepared which was not 'included in the original
<br />cost lestimate. Also dur,ing the planning process, an error was
<br />d #
<br />islicoviered on thile County Section Mapi which necessitated revising all
<br />of the blase maps and concept drawings.1
<br />The C.11ty was not advised that costs were exceeding budget. It i
<br />A-0
<br />rec 'off mmendield the additional amount be pa,J-d from the Contingency
<br />Account. Playment, will not be made,, until the final report is submitted
<br />A
<br />t,ol the Clty.1
<br />Motion to approve an, additional expenditure of $1,,275.00 for the
<br />L,an,gton, Liake Park, Plan, and the total, amount of $6,,765,.00 be charge
<br />to the Contingency Account, I
<br />NOTE: If the local, improvement hear3iniqfs become extended', this item
<br />..I
<br />ca,n be tabled until the Februilary 9 meeting
<br />